Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Employee Retention – How to Crack the Code

Employee Retention – How to Crack the Code

What I’ve learnt over the years is that there is no one secret ingredient to retaining staff. In my early days of running a business, I had high staff turnover and it used to drive me crazy the amount of money, effort, time and emotional energy I would invest in new recruits to only lose them within a 12-month period.  A realisation and strong commitment to knowing and understanding that people are at the core of business success was my breakthrough moment. I became acutely aware that the right people in the right roles with the right leadership is the key to keeping them. I increased the average length of service of staff to 6 years in an industry that averages 8 months for a typical Consultant role.
Here’s what I learnt:
1.    Recruit the right people
First and foremost – recruiting people is not easy. Picking the right person is even harder. I have done this every day in the recruitment industry over the past 13 years and see, hear, talk and advise clients on how to do it better. It is an ongoing battle for most business owners – finding and recruiting the right people.  The key is to look beyond what’s on paper and what’s technically being said at interview and hire for culture and motivational fit.  Forget experience and length of service in a similar role – find out what motivates them, what their values are, long term what do they want to achieve and where has been the best culture that they have worked in? Recruiting on competencies, attitude and culture are mandatory for long term fit and retention and far out weighs years of experience on a resume.

2.    Believe in people
The best approach you can take as a Leader is to assume that people want to perform at their best.  Most people come to work to do a good job – they want to perform and succeed.  As a Leader you need to relate to them as a top performer, don’t expect anything less.  The moment I took this approach, my intentions were always with their best interests in mind.  This belief speaks volumes, builds trust, delivers results and ultimately keeps top talent on your team.

3.    Empower others
For most business owners, you have created the business, know the ins and outs of how things are done and you probably enjoy being in control. However, “control freaks” don’t retain top talent – they can often drive them away.  Being the leader doesn’t mean making all the decisions and having an “I know best” attitude. Letting go, trusting others to achieve and supporting this learning curve will go a long way to increasing length of service.

4.    Flexibility
In my business I gave people the tools and freedom to get on with the job.  Being clear on the outcomes and timeframes is critical, but then get out of the way.  People want to achieve their own goals without having to work within rigid and structured environments.  Flexibility in approach, hours and blending home and work situations instantly motivates top performers.

5.    Feedback
People want feedback – they want to know what they are doing well, so they can keep doing it.  They want to know what they are not doing well, so they can stop doing it and those thirsty for greater success and reward will want to know what can they start doing to perform at a higher level. As a leader, it is your job to recognise top performance and reinforce it, so it happens again.  On the flip side, when you observe behavior that is inconsistent, giving this feedback instantly (with good intent) with push people outside their comfort zones, which is necessary for changes in behavior.

6.    Professional Development
Investing in your people is one of the best investments you can make.  Hiring an external coach or mentor for an individual is a reward that can have incredible effects such as increased performance and confidence.  To pay a professional to just listen or be an external confidante is a great way to invest upfront in new talent and prevent staff turnover. This goes a long way to reducing unnecessary replacement and re-recruitment costs as well as increase engagement levels and ultimately assists in retaining key people.

7.    Tools of the Trade
It may seem a little light or trivial, but having the right tools of the trade and the right support systems in place are critical in keeping staff happy.  A candidate once told me she left a job because she was promised a company car and after 8 weeks of using her own car, paying for parking and petrol, she gave up on the false promise and decided to move on.  Tools such as iphones, car parks, admin support, remote access, laptops are now seen as essential for a lot of roles – get it right from day one to avoid unnecessary ‘misunderstandings’.

8.    Induction
The first 90 days is an important time for a new recruit in determining whether they stay long term with an organisation and day 1 in particular plays a key role. Who is there to greet them? Is their desk set up, business cards ready and a welcome message from the CEO? Don’t spend weeks going through a recruitment process to then spend no effort at all on the induction.  This is a once-only opportunity to create a lasting impression and increase employee attachment and engagement from the first day.

9.    Invest in your own leadership skills
A leader that is continuously learning and investing in their own professional development is more inspiring to be around.  We can never know it all and we can always improve.  Being authentic and transparent with your team about your own development and desire to improve will have a flow on effect.

10. You can’t win them all
 As much as you want all top performers to stay, it sometimes just doesn’t turn out that way no matter how hard you try and what you implement.  A partner gets a transfer, a headhunter offers them something they can’t refuse – it happens.  I have certainly lost a few along the way and in these circumstances all you can do is give them the best offer you have available and then wish them well if it doesn’t fall your way.

How can you retain top talent? It’s not just about money and perks such as days off for your birthday and free yoga classes – although nice and staff will appreciate it, it isn’t what gets them to stick around long term. It’s 2 things in my experience – leadership and culture.
Become a better leader, have great systems and an inspiring culture.  Only then can you attract the top talent that will stay.

Nicole Underwood understands what it takes to create, build and grow a successful business. The essential ingredient is recruiting, engaging and retaining people. Great people. Top talent. High performers. As a previous finalist in the prestigious Telstra Business Women Awards, a regular blogger, coach and entrepreneur, Nicole works with organisations to improve their results through hiring and keeping the right people.

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