Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Train Hard, Fight Easy - Are your staff trained for the battle?

Why train?
Train hard, fight easy – Marshal  Zhukov

These days it is difficult for organisations to become successful and stay that way. The pace of change is faster, competition is tougher, customers are more demanding, innovation is more prized but harder to achieve.

Part of the response has been to create leaner, flatter, more flexible structures, but structures don’t run organisations and create success; people do- intelligent people, energetic people, reliable people and most of all, people with the right mix of up to date knowledge and skills.

That means people who are trained, not for a lifetime’s work, not just once in a while, but as a central, continuing part of their working lives.

Why use video-based training?

Video is familiar. Television is how most people find out what is going on in the world. It is not surprising that this is a medium they are comfortable to learn from when they are being trained.

Video makes demonstration easy. We can show situations being handled badly. We can contrast that with how to handle them well.

Video is flexible. It can be the cornerstone of a course run for a group by a specialist trainer. It can quickly provide simple, clear lessons for a team whenever it is convenient for them. It can bring interest and enlightenment to a self study program.

Video injects realism. It lets us present those being trained with emotional, as well as rational, problems to solve. Ask a group ‘How would you deal with a defensive appraisee?’ and you will get a tidy, text book answer. Use video to demonstrate a defensive appraisee and you will get a much more realistic reaction.

Video provides variety. Different people learn in different ways and none of us has an infinite attention span. Video provides us with a powerful means of injecting variety into our training.

Why use video arts programs?

Winston Churchill once said that he loved to learn, but hated being taught.

That is the secret of successful training: how to help people who want to learn. We do it by combining:

  • A storehouse of professional knowledge and expertise, developed over 40 years and drawing on some of the best minds in the business
  • The highest possible production values, both in the videos we produce and in the support material that goes with them
  • The magic ingredient – humour – which can make a delight in the dullest of subject
View the full range of Video Arts training videos here - bit.ly/zgEzd9

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